" " How Long Does the Flu Last?



How Long Does the Flu Last?

How many days does it take to recover from the flu? 

Can I still get the flu after being vaccinated?

How Long Does The Flu Last? is the most question asked by each individual invuluntary. 

Sudden and recurring high fever, general fatigue, cough and sore throat. If you have the above symptoms, you may be targeted by the flu.


This year’s wave of influenza is gaining momentum. Many citizens have asked: What are the symptoms of influenza? How many days will it take to get better? Do you still want to go to school and work? Can I still get the flu after being vaccinated?

influenza is a highly contagious and fast-spreading acute respiratory infectious disease caused by influenza viruses.

Patients and latent infections are the main sources of influenza infection. Influenza is mainly spread through respiratory droplets, but can also be spread through direct or indirect contact with mucous membranes in the mouth, nose, eyes, etc.

The common incubation period of influenza is 1 to 4 days (average 2 days), and it is contagious from the end of the incubation period to the acute stage of illness.

If you have the flu, don’t be afraid! Know how to administer the medicine within 48 hours, get better quickly, and don’t worry about spreading it to family members

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As the climate becomes colder and wetter, seasonal influenza is about to strike again! To effectively deal with influenza, in addition to getting vaccinated and maintaining hand-washing habits, you should also learn how to distinguish the difference between colds and influenza when signs of a cold appear to protect yourself and your family.

Colds and flu, what's the difference?

Chien Ming-cheng, director of the Department of Respiratory Therapy at Taichung Veterans General Hospital, said that both colds and influenza are viral infections, but the types are different. Just like influenza is an influenza virus, common colds are mainly rhinoviruses. "The symptoms of both are very similar at the beginning. They will start with upper respiratory tract symptoms such as runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, etc. However, the symptoms of influenza will be more severe and are also prone to systemic symptoms such as fever, muscle aches, Joint pain and other symptoms; once it invades the lower respiratory tract, it may even cause difficulty breathing, chest tightness, etc. Furthermore, influenza usually comes suddenly and often has a high fever exceeding 39 degrees."

Cold, flu, who is more serious?

Judging from the course of the disease, the common cold usually recovers within a week, while the influenza takes longer, about one to two weeks, and in severe cases, it may even take several weeks to fully recover. Zhan Mingcheng pointed out that the incubation period of influenza is short, and the onset of influenza occurs about two to three days after exposure, and it can be transmitted to others from the day before the onset to three to seven days after the symptoms appear. Not only does it spread quickly, but it also causes complications. Severe cases are also serious. Including the possibility of causing pneumonia, encephalitis, myocarditis, etc. "Especially after the cardiopulmonary function is damaged, it can cause respiratory failure, and in severe cases, death." He reminded that influenza has great variability. Once it becomes severe, the average patient The length of hospitalization is one month, and the time in the intensive care unit is about three weeks. The mortality rate is high, so special care is required.

This group has the flu, so be careful!

Although most people can get better with the flu on their own, some people may become seriously ill if they get it! Zhan Mingcheng pointed out that from a clinical point of view, people over 65 years old with poor immunity, or children under 6 years old, as well as cancer patients, or those who are taking immune preparation drugs are all susceptible to infection. "But relatively The group that is easily overlooked are young adults who are busy at work or have the habit of staying up late for a long time, as well as patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes. You must also pay attention." He suggested that these high-risk groups should get a flu vaccine. If they have cold symptoms and When symptoms occur quickly and urgently, and there are muscle aches, fever, difficulty breathing, etc., it is even more important to seek medical screening and diagnosis as soon as possible.

If you do this, the flu will get better quickly

Clinical treatment options for influenza can be divided into five-day oral type, five-day inhalation type, single intravenous injection type and single-time oral type.

The first three drugs can inhibit the release of the virus by mechanism, and the single oral version is the latest drug, which can inhibit the replication and reproduction of the virus. The advantage is that it can shorten the course of the disease, improve the symptoms more quickly, and at the same time, it can also quickly reduce the body's Regarding the amount of virus, "For people with poor immunity, if the number of viruses is reduced as early as possible, the risk of severe illness can be avoided as soon as possible and the threat of death can be avoided." Zhan Mingcheng emphasized that once infected by the influenza virus, the threat of severe illness must be blocked. The best way is to administer the medication within 48 hours after symptoms appear. This will provide the best treatment effect and reduce the chance of infecting others.

Zhan Mingcheng reminded that before entering the peak period of influenza, high-risk groups with poor immunity must be vaccinated against influenza in advance. If they are unfortunately infected and develop symptoms such as fever, muscle aches, and difficulty breathing, they should also seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Use antiviral drugs, drink plenty of water, rest appropriately, wash your hands frequently, and avoid going out to public places, so that you can recover quickly and not infect your family members.

Who is More Susceptible to Flu?

It is worth noting that the influenza virus is susceptible to all people, but people over 65 years old, children under 5 years old, people with underlying diseases, obese people, and pregnant women are at higher risk of severe illness after infection.

Fever after infection with influenza is an important manifestation of the body's immune system. When fever occurs, it is necessary to pay close attention to the patient's mental state. In mild cases, physical cooling can be used to reduce the fever. For example, you can use a wet towel to wipe the patient's armpits, thigh roots and other parts with rich blood vessels. If you have a high fever or symptoms that get worse, you should seek medical treatment promptly and take medication under the guidance of a doctor.

The most effective way to prevent influenza is to get vaccinated.

Does that mean you won’t get the flu after being vaccinated?

"Not necessarily. The protective effect of any vaccine is not 100%. However, after receiving the influenza vaccine, once infected with the influenza virus, the symptoms will be milder and the occurrence of influenza complications can be reduced." After receiving the influenza vaccine, 2 Protective antibodies can take up to 4 weeks to develop, so it is best to get vaccinated as early as 4 weeks before the flu season begins. Throughout the influenza season, it is never too late to get the flu vaccine. You can produce protective antibodies and get the early benefits.

In addition, the personal protective measures against COVID-19, such as wearing masks regularly, maintaining a 1-meter social distance, frequently opening windows for ventilation, and paying attention to hand hygiene, are also applicable to influenza prevention. In addition, you should try to avoid going to crowded places. If you have flu-like symptoms, you should rest and self-isolate. You should wear a mask when going to public places or seeking medical treatment.

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