" " What is Heart Disease Symptoms| Heart Attack



What is Heart Disease Symptoms| Heart Attack

Do you Know?

In the United States, after every 40 seconds an individual is suffering from heart attack. Every year, approximately 805,000 people in the United States have a heart attack. Out of these, 605,000 are suffered from first heart attack. AND Do you know 90% of above mentioned cases are due to negligence and unawareness.

heart attack

What is heart disease?

Do you want to know What is Heart Diseaes Sysmptoms. When the heart function declines and cannot deliver enough blood to the human body, a heart attack will occur, causing blood backflow throughout the body. Among the many causes of heart attacks, the most common are coronary artery disease, damage to the myocardium or heart valves, Hypertension and viral infections.

Early Symptoms of Heart Disease

You can simply see the clues from the facial features:

1. Breathing: Shortness of breath occurs when doing some light activities or in a quiet state, but not accompanied by cough or sputum. This condition is most likely a symptom of a poorly functioning heart.

2. Complexion: If the complexion is dark red, this is the characteristic of rheumatic heart disease and mitral valve stenosis; if the complexion is pale, it may be a sign of mitral regurgitation. The purple complexion is the critical face of the terminal heart disease.
3. Nose: A hard nose means that there is too much fat in the heart. A swollen nose tip indicates that heart disease is expanding, and a red nose often indicates heart disease.

4. Others: Symptoms such as palpitations, dyspnea, dizziness, nausea, indigestion, and general weakness may also be heart disease.

Types of Heart Disease


1. Congenital Heart Disease

The congenital malformation caused by the obstruction of the heart-shaped development is formed in the 4th to 8th week of pregnancy. Genetic factors, uterine infection, radiation, drugs and other factors may cause congenital heart disease.

2. Heart failure

The structure and function of the heart are uncoordinated, the heart muscle begins to weaken, the ventricles cannot effectively and normally pump blood into or out of the heart, and symptoms such as shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, fatigue, and swollen feet appear.

3. Arrhythmia

Abnormal conduction of heart pulsation leads to irregular heartbeat, which may cause palpitations, dizziness, chest pain, asthma, shock, stroke, coma and other symptoms.

4. Inflammation of the Heart

It is usually caused by drugs, radiation, chemicals, etc. After infection, it will lead to pericarditis, myocarditis, endocarditis or heart valve inflammation and pathological changes. Symptoms include chest pain, dizziness, palpitations, abdominal pain, joint pain, and sudden death.

5. Heart Valve Disease

Heart valves may be congenital or acquired, and are sometimes related to structural changes caused by the formation of mineral deposits on the valve or surrounding tissue, which can interfere with the normal flow of blood in the heart and affect health.

6. Coronary Heart Disease

Also known as coronary heart disease, it has the highest incidence rate among heart diseases. It has been listed as one of the top 10 causes of death in my country for many years. Those who have bad habits such as smoking and drinking, suffer from the three highs, have great life pressure, psychological pressure, or have related family members History, is also a high-risk group of coronary heart disease. If you are a high-risk group, it is recommended to do a detailed examination. Once coronary heart disease is found, you should follow the doctor's instructions to take medicine and do follow-up treatment.

Coronary heart disease is a chronic hardening plaque in the inner cavity of the coronary artery, which narrows or blocks the inner cavity of the blood vessel, resulting in the inability of oxygenated blood to reach the myocardium through the coronary artery, resulting in heart hypoxia and symptoms such as angina pectoris or heart failure. Severe cases can cause myocardial infarction, acute arrhythmia, and sudden death.
The risk of men suffering from coronary heart disease is 2 to 3 times that of women. In addition to the elderly who are prone to the disease, if the parents have early-onset coronary heart disease, the father's onset before the age of 55, and the mother's onset before the age of 65, the child's risk of developing the disease will increase by 75% respectively %, 60%, brothers and sisters have the disease, the risk increased by 40%. The age of onset also tends to be younger. It is necessary to prevent the occurrence of coronary heart disease as soon as possible, quit smoking and alcohol, eat less red meat, and avoid being in a state of high pressure and high tension for a long time.

Typical symptoms of heart disease

1. There is a sense of pressure in the chest, and the pain lasts for more than 15 minutes.
2. Pain extends to the shoulder, neck, and arm.
3. Chest discomfort, mild headache, syncope, sweating, nausea, shortness of breath.
4. Atypical chest pain, stomach or abdominal pain.
5. Nausea or dizziness.
6. Unexplained anxiety, weakness or fatigue.
7. Palpitations, sweating or paleness.

Heart Disease and Diet

Fried foods such as chicken chops, hamburgers, and French fries have always been loved by children of all ages. Not only are they easy to feel full, but they are also more attractive compared to vegetables, fruits, and staple foods. However, eating too much of these foods is harmful Useless, in addition to obesity, malnutrition, and metabolic syndrome known to the general public, a recent study in the United States found that people who eat fried foods and sugary drinks are 56% more likely to suffer from heart disease than those who eat healthy diets risks of.

The study was mainly carried out by Harvard, Boston and the University of Alabama, and conducted a dietary survey on more than 17,000 people over the age of 45 without special medical history. First, these subjects were classified into 5 types, the first type is American Southern Diet; category 2: pasta, pizza, Mexican food, etc.; category 3: salads, fruits and vegetables as staple foods; category 4: sweets; category 5: alcohol, salads, and then calling every 6 months to ask about health status And hospitalization, for 6 years.

The results found that people who ate a southern diet, including fried foods, processed meats such as bacon and ham, and sugary drinks, had a 56% higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease, especially heart disease, over the next six years, while The study is currently published in the Journal of Circulation.

Some daily foods contain more trans fats. Trans fats have an impact on health, because they are different from other dietary fats and are unnecessary nutrients for the human body. Studies have pointed out that eating trans fat will increase the risk of coronary heart disease because it can increase low-density lipoprotein and decrease high-density lipoprotein, which greatly increases the risk of coronary heart disease. Reduce intake of processed foods containing hydrogenated fats such as biscuits, French fries, donuts, potato chips and other fried or baked foods. It will help to reduce the intake of trans fatty acids to ensure good health.
Among the top ten causes of death, Heart Disease or Heart Attack ranks second in Chinese people 

If you want to know What is Heart Disease Symptoms than "The total cholesterol/ HDL ratio is an indicator of an individual that can cause blockages in the arteries of his heart". A ratio greater than 4.5 is considered a high risk for coronary heart disease. This ratio can be decreased by increasing good (HDL) cholesterol OR decreasing the level of bad (LDL) cholesterol.

Heart Failure Incidents

Liu Zhen a chinese artist passed away in shock a few days ago. The reason why was hospitalized at that time was mainly because of aortic valve stenosis. This news made the outside world feel quite sad for Artist Liu Zhen, but what surprised most people is why she, who looks healthy and has dancing habits, actually has heart health problems!

There are 7 symptoms, the heart is calling for help! 50% death rate of fourth stage heart failure is more terrible than cancer

Cai Congcong, director of Beitou Health Management Hospital, China said that taking Liu Zhen as an example, aortic stenosis is a type of valvular heart disease. Aortic stenosis is common in the elderly and is related to aging. As the age increases, valve aging will lead to calcification; In young people, it is associated with congenital valve abnormalities.

There are 4 stages of heart failure, and the death rate of the fourth stage is higher than that of cancer.

Cai Congcong pointed out that heart failure is divided into four stages, and if it reaches the fourth stage, the average five-year survival rate is only 50%, and the death rate is higher than cancer.

From the perspective of the structure of the heart, the heart is divided into four parts: the left and right atria and the left and right ventricles. Among them, the left ventricle is the most important, responsible for the main function of transporting blood to various parts of the body. The aortic valve is located between the left ventricle and the aorta. If the valve orifice is narrowed, the heart load will increase, and heart failure will result after a long time.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, among the top ten causes of death among Chinese people in 2018, "heart disease" still ranked second on the list, claiming 21,569 precious lives. Common heart diseases include: high blood pressure, hypertensive heart disease, coronary heart disease (angina and myocardial infarction), valvular heart disease, arrhythmia, heart failure, congenital heart disease.

A heart attack will affect the function of the heart to transport blood, and in severe cases, there may be sudden death. Cai Congcong reminded that if you experience symptoms such as abnormal fatigue, chest pressure, chest tightness, chest pain, dyspnea or shortness of breath, palpitations, and unexplained syncope, you should be more vigilant and watch out for heart problems.

Checks to find Heart Problems

Cai Congcong said that there are a total of 8 common inspection methods that can be used to check the health of the heart:

1. Physical examination: Auscultation is used to judge whether there are problems such as heart failure, arrhythmia, and valvular heart disease according to whether the subject's heartbeat is normal or whether there are murmurs.

2. Chest X-ray: To check the condition of the patient's heart, to see if it is enlarged, etc.

3. Electrocardiogram: left atrium and left ventricular hypertrophy can be found, and can be combined with other diagnostic methods to increase accuracy.

4. Cardiac Ultrasound: Cardiac ultrasound can see the heart structure, the thickness of the valve, the degree of relaxation and prolapse, the severity of mitral valve insufficiency, and evaluate the contractile function of the left ventricular muscle, whether the atrium and ventricle are enlarged, and the heart pump function Is it normal and so on.

5. Exercise Electrocardiogram: By observing changes in electrocardiogram, heart rate and blood pressure when the subject's exercise load increases, it can be used to evaluate the prognosis of myocardial infarction to understand the state of myocardial hypoxia and arrhythmia.

6. Cardiac Computed Tomography (CT): Using ultra-high-speed coronary artery computed tomography, it can effectively detect cardiovascular diseases in the early stage and evaluate the stenosis of coronary artery calcification block.

7. Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography (CTA): It is necessary to inject a contrast agent and then perform a computerized tomography scan. The image after the inspection can obtain good arterial imaging, which can detect diseases such as aneurysms, arterial dissection, arteriosclerosis, stenosis, and embolism. Especially for the group with three high problems or severe coronary artery blockage, the person may not have obvious symptoms, but the severity of cardiovascular blockage can be clearly seen through the detection image.

8. Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): Magnetic Resonance Imaging detection does not require the injection of a contrasting agent and has zero radiation effects. It is a safe and accurate inspection method for the human body. Magnetic resonance imaging can be used to analyze the heart muscle and valves, and can also measure the size of the heart and accurately calculate the contraction force of the heart. It is better than ultrasonic detection for heart tissue measurement.

Is myocardial infarction difficult to prevent in middle-aged and elderly people? Exercise electrocardiogram combined with AI to identify risky patients early

Entering autumn and winter is a time when cardiovascular diseases are prone to occur, but physicians see more than 100 patients every day, manual interpretation of exercise ECG still has its blind spots, and it also depends on the experience of physicians . With the development of medical technology, big data is integrated into clinical applications, and the risk is accurately analyzed by cross-comparison with ECG AI. Dr. Wu Hongbin from the Cardiovascular Department of China Affiliated Hospital pointed out: "Ordinary people have some blind spots in interpreting exercise ECG, but AI is similar to the second A physician, providing advice to help clinicians make interpretations.”

Stenosis of blood vessels may not necessarily cause symptoms?

It is obvious that the patient's blood vessels have narrowed, why sometimes the symptoms are not obvious? Dr. Wu Hongbin, Department of Cardiology and Blood, China Medical University Affiliated Hospital explained: “Because the oxygen required by the heart itself is mainly supplied through the three branched coronary arteries, when the coronary arteries supplying myocardial blood oxygen are narrowed or blocked, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the heart will be affected. That’s when the discomfort starts.”

When myocardial hypoxia inhibits myocardial contraction, the heart cannot pump out normal blood volume. In severe cases, it can cause heart failure or arrhythmia. These complications are the fatal key! The main reason is that the blood supply to the heart is insufficient due to the narrowing of the diameter of the tube, and symptoms such as chest tightness and shortness of breath begin to appear, which is clinically called "coronary artery disease" or "angina pectoris".

According to statistics from the Ministry of Health and Welfare in the 110 years of the Republic of China, heart disease is still the second leading cause of death among Chinese people, second only to cancer, and the number of deaths due to cardiovascular disease continues to rise every year, but sometimes patients have symptoms, but after examination Physician's interpretation may not be immediately dangerous, but combined with artificial intelligence and past data statistics, there is an opportunity to detect patients with high-risk stenosis early.

Exercise ECG still has its blind spots!

Wu Hongbin, Doctor in Materail Physics, said: "Coronary artery obstruction is usually due to multiple factors, such as smoking, old age, diabetes, high blood lipids, etc. to form "atherosclerotic" plaques, which restrict the diameter of blood vessels, but the problem of stenosis is not necessarily due to It can be interpreted very well by exercise ECG.”

Wu Hongbin shared a previously treated case. A 75-year-old Chen Bobo had a history of gastroesophageal reflux. After a month of treatment, he did not improve. However, he woke up one morning with chest tightness and symptoms similar to angina. Immediately after seeing the doctor, an exercise electrocardiogram was arranged.

Wu Hongbin said: "The case does not seem to be a typical myocardial hypoxia at the moment. The traditional scoring method is used to determine that it is a moderate risk person, and no immediate cardiac catheterization is required. However, AI manual interpretation believes that the probability of severe stenosis exceeds 70%. Therefore, The doctor hurriedly arranged further cardiac catheterization and found that the stenosis of the left anterior descending artery was as high as 99%.” Fortunately, percutaneous coronary intervention was performed, and a cardiac stent was urgently placed in the coronary artery for treatment, and myocardial infarction was avoided.

Generally speaking, angina pectoris and myocardial infarction are common coronary heart diseases in middle-aged and elderly people, and they are the main causes of "sudden death". Liang Xinyue, director of the Cardiac Imaging Department of China Affiliated Hospital, appealed: "Middle-aged and elderly people should consider adding exercise ECG during health checkups. It is the simplest and best tool to understand the physiological state. If it is combined with AI system to assist in interpretation, it will be more accurate. Cardiovascular blockage is better than traditional ultrasound examination.”

AI assists physicians in interpretation! Find 70% of blocked patients

Exercise ECG is one of the important tools for diagnosing coronary artery disease, but considering that doctors need to read a lot of reports every day, and the interpretation is also related to the experience of doctors, Liang Xinyue said frankly: "The traditional manual interpretation of more than ten ECGs is not only time-consuming, but also often It is difficult to distinguish subtle differences, and the accuracy of manual analysis is only 40%-50% clinically.”

Physicians face a lot of pressure and spend a lot of time. In response to the demand, the Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University began to introduce artificial intelligence to assist in analysis and interpretation. It collected nearly a thousand ECG images with coronary artery blockage of more than 70% in the past four years, and combined them with cardiac catheterization data. Designing the "AI-assisted interpretation system", director Xu Kaicheng said: "AI is trained through a deep learning framework, and by capturing the signals of three time points of the exercise ECG, the model can learn the changes from static to dynamic exercise ECG signals."

Now with the help of AI, the accuracy is higher and the sensitivity is high, so patients can be screened out early. Xu Kaicheng said: "2,200 people have undergone this kind of inspection since May this year. With the AI report, the AI will jump out of the auxiliary reporting system and prompt whether the case has If there is a possibility of more than 70% blockage, doctors can use it as a reference to arrange cardiac catheterization and stent treatment as soon as possible.”

It is hoped that the AI model can also be applied to other disease categories in the future to help clinicians make interpretations, identify problems early for high-risk patients, and avoid heart emergencies.

What is aortic valve stenosis? Be careful, 2% of people are born with one less valve and are prone to disease

If the aortic valve is missing a valve, it is a congenital lesion. Usually there are no symptoms when you are young. As you grow older, the blood flow will cause turbulence, and the valve will gradually form. Lesions, if the calcification is severe, may cause stricture, which is a fatal threat. Cai Fengjun, Director of Cardiac Surgery of Gaoyi Hospital, reminded: "When the elderly feel chest tightness or even faint when they feel a little activity, they must seek medical treatment as soon as possible."

Aortic valve calcification and stenosis are the main causes of open heart surgery for the elderly

The "aortic valve" is responsible for transporting the amount of blood needed by the body to various parts of the body. Once the opening of the valve narrows and becomes smaller, the heart must work harder to transport blood. This is usually caused by calcification in the elderly, and some are Valve problems due to heart congenital defects, rheumatic fever, history of radiation therapy.

Taiwan has entered an aging society, and the degeneration of the "aortic valve" causes calcification and stenosis. It has become the first open heart surgery for the elderly. Luo Chuanyao, vice president of Zhonghe Memorial Hospital affiliated to Gao Medical University, said: "Especially for some atypical, congenital double-valve stenosis combined with low heart function, the symptoms often become unclear because there is no serious calcification and sufficient pressure difference."

It’s just that the valve problem is normal aging. Lin Zongxian, director of Cardiology Department of Higher Medical, said: “Aortic valve stenosis is a disease that may cause sudden death. Especially when heart failure occurs, the life can only be about one and a half years. It requires the joint efforts of cardiology and surgery. diagnosis and treatment."

Valvular disease symptoms may not appear when young

Cai Fengjun previously treated a very special case, a 67-year-old Mr. Gu, who has often felt tired and cold feet in recent years. He had received a stent due to a heart attack. He suddenly passed out when he was a guest at a relative’s house in July. After examination, he found that his aorta The valve is one less than normal, and it is combined with severe stenosis leading to heart failure.

Cai Fengjun said: "Generally, the aortic valve structure has three valves, and only 2% are double valves. It is a congenital lesion and occurs in the embryonic period. Mr. Gu is one of the few congenital double valves, and he usually has no symptoms when he is young. As we grow older, the blood flow will cause turbulence, which will gradually cause valve disease."

Mr. Gu had a heart stent installed, but the symptoms of shortness of breath did not improve. In addition, the traditional ultrasound and cardiac catheterization could not cause enough pressure difference due to the low heart function, which did not meet the current indications for aortic valve surgery. Continued to worsen, and fainting also occurred.

The stent installed by Mr. Gu did not cause significant blockage. The doctor determined that his poor heart function was not caused by coronary artery disease. The diagnosis should be the main cause of heart failure caused by "congenital bivalve aortic valve with severe stenosis". Receive surgical valve replacement surgery. He was discharged from the hospital in the next week, and the symptoms of heart failure that had troubled him for a long time were significantly improved, and he regained his due quality of life.

Chest tightness may also be "aortic valve degeneration"

Cai Fengjun emphasized: "Not all aortic valve stenosis will have calcification or significant pressure difference. Some younger patients have congenital bivalve aortic valve. The calcification is not serious but the stenosis is caused by fibrosis, especially those with low heart function. It will underestimate the severity of valve stenosis and delay diagnosis and treatment due to the inability to generate a sufficient pressure difference."

If people find that they feel chest tightness or even faint when they move a little, the stenosis caused by "aortic valve degeneration" is one of the possible reasons, and they can go to the cardiology outpatient clinic for a complete evaluation. If the result of the examination shows cardiac vascular obstruction causing low heart function, or combined with mitral valve insufficiency, making the diagnosis of aortic valve stenosis unclear, it may be necessary to consider a hospital with an integrated heart team for further examination.

Cai Fengjun previously treated a very special case, a 67-year-old Mr. Gu, who has often felt tired and cold feet in recent years. He had received a stent due to a heart attack. He suddenly passed out when he was a guest at a relative’s house in July. After examination, he found that his aorta The valve is one less than normal, and it is combined with severe stenosis leading to heart failure.

Cai Fengjun said: "Generally, the aortic valve structure has three valves, and only 2% are double valves. It is a congenital lesion and occurs in the embryonic period. Mr. Gu is one of the few congenital double valves, and he usually has no symptoms when he is young. As we grow older, the blood flow will cause turbulence, which will gradually cause valve disease."

Mr. Gu had a heart stent installed, but the symptoms of shortness of breath did not improve. In addition, the traditional ultrasound and cardiac catheterization could not cause enough pressure difference due to the low heart function, which did not meet the current indications for aortic valve surgery. Continued to worsen, and fainting also occurred.

The stent installed by Mr. Gu did not cause significant blockage. The doctor determined that his poor heart function was not caused by coronary artery disease. The diagnosis should be the main cause of heart failure caused by "congenital bivalve aortic valve with severe stenosis". Receive surgical valve replacement surgery. He was discharged from the hospital in the next week, and the symptoms of heart failure that had troubled him for a long time were significantly improved, and he regained his due quality of life.

Cai Fengjun emphasized: "Not all aortic valve stenosis will have calcification or significant pressure difference. Some younger patients have congenital bivalve aortic valve. The calcification is not serious but the stenosis is caused by fibrosis, especially those with low heart function. It will underestimate the severity of valve stenosis and delay diagnosis and treatment due to the inability to generate a sufficient pressure difference."

If people find that they feel chest tightness or even faint when they move a little, the stenosis caused by "aortic valve degeneration" is one of the possible reasons, and they can go to the cardiology outpatient clinic for a complete evaluation. If the result of the examination shows cardiac vascular obstruction causing low heart function, or combined with mitral valve insufficiency, making the diagnosis of aortic valve stenosis unclear, it may be necessary to consider a hospital with an integrated heart team for further examination.

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