Cholesterol is converted into Vitamin D in the body when the skin is exposed to the sun. Vitamin D is found in higher proportions in certain foods, such as fish fat and dairy products such as cream cheese, but it is difficult to get enough vitamin D through natural diet alone.
This Article includes following:
What is Vitamin D Deficiency
Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms
8 Major Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency
How Vitamin D Deficiency is Treated
Question and Answer
Vitamin D is a very important vitamin that has
a very responsive effect on the system in the body.
Unlike other vitamins, vitamin D acts like a
hormone-like hormone, and every cell in our body has receptors to which it responds.
Cholesterol is converted into vitamin D in the
body when the skin is exposed to the sun.
Vitamin D is found in higher proportions in
certain foods, such as fish fat and dairy products such as cream cheese, but it
is difficult to get enough vitamin D through natural diet alone.
The recommended daily intake (RDI) of the
United States is usually around 400-800 IU, and the official recommended intake
(RDI) of vitamin D3 for general use is 200 I.U. (5 micrograms)
However, many experts suggest that the intake
should be increased, and the current recommended intake is still under
Vitamin D deficiency is common. It is estimated
that about 1 billion people worldwide have low levels of the vitamin in their
According to surveys conducted by Shin Kong
Hospital, Wanfang Hospital, and Shuanghe Hospital in Taiwan, 51% of school-age
children and adolescents are vitamin D deficient, and 90.3% are vitamin D
insufficient. (Data source ILSI Taiwan Document)
Long-term vitamin D deficiency may have the following eight symptoms:
Often get sick or infected
Fatigue and tiredness
Lower back or back pain
Depression or low mood
Slow wound healing
Bone loss
Increased hair loss
Muscle pain
Here are 8 Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency Explained
1. Vitamin D deficiency may make you prone to illness or infection
One of the most important roles of vitamin D is
to maintain the performance of the immune system, enabling the body to fight
viruses and bacteria more effectively.
If you get sick frequently, especially colds or
flu, a vitamin D deficiency is very likely a factor.
Several large observational studies have shown
a strong relationship between vitamin D deficiency and respiratory infections,
colds, bronchitis, and pneumonia.
A number of studies have found that daily
intake of vitamin D supplements in doses of up to 4,000 IU reduces the risk of
developing respiratory infections.
Vitamin D deficiency is present in many
patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and in a study of
COPD patients with chronic lung disease, patients who were severely deficient
in vitamin D had a significant benefit after consuming high-dose supplements
for one year, with a significant reduction in acute exacerbations.
Vitamin D is very important and play vital role
in immune function. One of the most common symptoms of deficiency is an
increased risk of disease or infection.
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2. Vitamin D Deficiency May Cause Fatigue and Tiredness
Tiredness can have many causes, and vitamin D
deficiency could be one of them. Fatigue is also a symptom that is often
Case studies have shown that low levels of
vitamin D can lead to fatigue, with serious negative effects on quality of life.
In a case study of narcolepsy, the patient was
chronically deficient in vitamin D due to narcolepsy, and her blood
concentration of vitamin D was only 5.9 ng/ml (lower than 20 ng/ml was judged
as vitamin D insufficiency). The patient also suffers from chronic headaches
and fatigue. When taking vitamin D supplements, her concentration increased to
39ng/ml and symptoms such as tiredness and fatigue improved significantly.
However, even if blood levels of vitamin D are
not ultra-low, it may still affect the body's fatigue level.
An observational study was conducted to
investigate the relationship between vitamin D and fatigue in young women. The
study found that women with blood levels below 20 ng/ml or 21-29 ng/ml were
more likely to experience fatigue than women with blood levels above 30 ng/ml.
Another observational study of female nurses
found a strong link between low vitamin D levels and fatigue. What's more,
researchers found that 89 percent of nurses were vitamin D deficient.
Excessive fatigue and tiredness may be a
warning sign of vitamin D deficiency. Supplements can be taken in moderation to
boost vitality.
3. Vitamin D deficiency may lead to bone and back pain
Vitamin D is also essential to maintain bone
health in following ways.
First, Vitamin D improves the body's absorption
of calcium.
Aching bones and lower back pain may be signs
of insufficient vitamin D levels in the blood. There are many observational
studies that have found an association between vitamin D deficiency and chronic
low back pain.
In a study that looked at vitamin D levels in
more than 9,000 older women, vitamin D deficiency was significantly associated
with back pain. Researchers have found that those who are vitamin D deficient
are prone to back pain, including severe back pain.
In one controlled study, people with D
deficiency were nearly twice as likely to have bone pain in the legs, ribs, or
joints compared with people whose vitamin D was within the normal range.
Low levels of vitamin D in the blood can be a
cause of bone and lower back pain.
4. Vitamin D deficiency may lead to depression
Depression can also be a sign of vitamin D
In review studies, scientific data have
demonstrated a strong association between vitamin D deficiency and depression,
especially in older age groups.
Several controlled studies have shown that
giving vitamin D to people who are vitamin D deficient can help improve
depression, including seasonal depression that occurs during the colder months.
Depression has been linked to low levels of
vitamin D in the body, and some studies have found that vitamin D supplements
can improve mood.
5. Vitamin D deficiency may lead to impaired wound healing
Slow wound healing after surgery or injury
could be a sign that you have low levels of vitamin D in your blood.
The results of the test-tube study confirmed
that vitamin D is important for the production of new skin-forming compounds.
This whole experimental phase is an important part of wound healing.
A study of patients undergoing dental surgery
found that vitamin D deficiency impairs healing.
It has also been suggested that vitamin D's
role in controlling inflammatory responses and fighting infection is important
for proper healing.
In an analysis of patients with diabetic foot
infections, it was found that those severely deficient in vitamin D were more
prone to inflammatory markers that could compromise healing.
However, there is little research on the effect
of vitamin D supplementation on wound healing in deficient patients.
One such study found that when vitamin
D-deficient patients with leg ulcers were treated with the vitamin, ulcer size
was reduced by an average of 28%.
Vitamin D deficiency may lead to poor wound
healing after surgery, injury, or infection.
6. Vitamin D Deficiency May Cause Bone Loss
Vitamin D plays a vital role in calcium
absorption in body.
Many older adults diagnosed with bone loss
believe they need to get more calcium. However, they may also be deficient in
vitamin D.
Low bone density indicates that your bones have
lost calcium and other important minerals. This makes older people, especially
women, more prone to fractures.
In a large observational study of more than
1,100 postmenopausal, middle-aged women, researchers found a strong
relationship between low vitamin D and low bone density.
However, a controlled study found no
improvement in bone mineral density in vitamin D-deficient women who took
high-dose supplements, even though blood levels improved.
Regardless of these findings, getting enough
vitamin D and maintaining blood levels within an optimal range is currently the
best way to protect bone quality and reduce fracture risk.
A diagnosis of low bone density may be a sign
of vitamin D deficiency. Getting enough vitamins is important for maintaining
bone density as we age.
7. Vitamin D Deficiency May Cause Hair Loss
Common causes of hair loss are often attributed
to stress.
However, when hair loss is severe, it can be
the result of disease or nutritional deficiencies.
Hair loss in women is associated with low
vitamin D concentrations, although this has not been studied enough to date.
Alopecia areata, commonly known as "ghost
shaved head", is an autoimmune disease characterized by severe hair loss
on the head and other parts of the body. It has been linked to rickets, a
disease of cartilage in children due to vitamin D deficiency.
Low vitamin D concentrations have been
associated with alopecia areata and may be a risk factor for its onset.
A study of people with alopecia areata showed
that low blood levels of vitamin D tended to lead to more severe hair loss.
In one case study, researchers successfully
treated hair loss in a young boy who lacked vitamin D receptors. The treatment
modality used is topical application of a synthetic form of vitamin D.
Hair loss may be a sign of vitamin D deficiency
in autoimmune alopecia areata.
8. Vitamin D Deficiency May Cause Muscle Pain
The cause of muscle pain is often difficult to
Evidence suggests that vitamin D deficiency may
be an underlying cause of muscle pain in both children and adults.
In one study, 71% of chronic pain patients were
found to be vitamin D deficient.
Vitamin D receptors are found in nerve cells
called nociceptors, which sense pain.
Several studies have found that taking
high-dose vitamin D supplements can reduce various types of pain in people with
a deficiency.
A study of 120 vitamin D-deficient children
with pain found that a single dose of vitamin D reduced pain scores by an
average of 57%.
The link between chronic pain and low vitamin D
blood levels may be due to interactions between the vitamin and pain-sensing
nerve cells.
How is Vitamin D Deficiency Treated?
1. Basic principles and purpose of Treatment
For the treatment of vitamin D deficiency, the
treatment plan should be comprehensively considered according to the
characteristics of the patient, the condition of the disease, vitamin D
preparations and dosage forms, vitamin D detection, and seasons.
In primary care, vitamin D treatment practice
should be at the core of any clinical management guidelines; treatment options
must be accepted by lay primary care physicians and patients. In order for the
patient to cooperate and adhere to the treatment, the complexity of the
treatment plan must also be considered, as well as the patient's personal
religious and cultural beliefs, such as: whether some preparations contain
gelatin, whether vitamin D is derived from animals or plants, and whether the
preparations contain allergens.
Primary care physicians should be aware that
vitamin D is readily available, at an appropriate price, that formulations are
of reliable quality, and that relevant laboratory services are available for
monitoring. Treatment of vitamin D deficiency should be effective if given
proper assessment, biochemical testing, and good adherence to treatment.
The main goals of treatment in patients with
vitamin D deficiency bone disease:
(1) Use sufficient doses to ensure correction
of vitamin D deficiency (ideally 25OHD ≥ 50 nmol/L)
(2) Improving the clinical consequences of
vitamin D deficiency in a timely manner;
(3) Avoid vitamin D poisoning.
2. Vitamin D3, or Vitamin D2?
At present, different preparations of vitamin
D3 and vitamin D2 are used clinically in China and the United States, and in
Europe, vitamin D3 is more commonly used clinically; at the same time, the
Endocrine Society of North America believes that both vitamin D3 and vitamin D2
can produce better results. But there is much debate about the therapeutic
merits of animal-derived vitamin D3 versus plant-derived vitamin D2.
Biochemical indicators suggest that vitamin D2 appears to be cleared from
tissues more rapidly than vitamin D3 and has lower bioavailability, especially
with intermittent bolus administration. In light of this controversy, and the
inconsistency in the use of various dosage forms, guidelines for vitamin D2 and
vitamin D3 are provided.
Recommendation: Based on the current medical
consensus and issues related to 25OHD2 detection, it is recommended that
vitamin D3 be the preferred preparation for the treatment of vitamin D
deficiency, consistent with the views of the International Osteoporosis
Foundation and the British Osteoporosis Society.
3. Oral or intramuscular injection?
Although intramuscular injection can fully
attach vitamin D to the body, there are important factors to consider before
using it, including its unpredictable bioavailability, slower saturation, and
more trouble than oral preparations. Parenteral vitamin D administration is not
recommended as a first-line treatment guide, mainly due to significant
inter-individual variability in absorption.
Recommendation: Oral vitamin D is recommended.
4. Fixed or titrated dosing?
Titrated dosing strategy is to gradually
achieve the desired drug level by administering low doses of the drug. The
concentration of 25OHD varies not only by external factors, such as sun
exposure and diet, but also by individual characteristics, including genetic
factors and body composition; these individual characteristics can also affect
the pharmacokinetics and efficacy of subsequent vitamin D supplementation.
Titration therapy has potential benefits in
reducing toxicity and improving saturation, allowing for more precise
saturation. But consider that it increases costs and complicates physician
treatment and patient compliance. Given that there are no studies comparing
titration versus fixed-dose therapy, the simpler fixed-dose regimen is
Recommendation: The recommended treatment method is a fixed loading dose and maintenance therapy.
5. Lower daily dose, or higher intermittent dose?
There is no consensus on the need for and
benefits of lower daily doses and higher intermittent dosing regimens. In
several comparative studies, one found that intermittent dosing was less
readily available in nursing centers and thus less effective; however, the same
biochemical effect was achieved when different dosing regimens were
administered continuously.
Evidence for lower daily doses is mainly based
on clinical trial studies of pharmacological treatments for osteoporosis,
however, few of these patients were severely vitamin D deficient, and high-dose
daily vitamin D preparations have not been used in community studies. In
addition, most studies have only focused on short-term treatment without
examining the risks and benefits of long-term, high-dose, intermittent therapy.
Domestic related research is still lacking.
Treatment alternatives include a loading phase
of high-dose vitamin D3 (or D2) for several weeks, followed by a maintenance
phase. The maintenance phase can be supplemented with daily supplementation, or
less frequent "top-ups", depending on the patient's needs or desires.
There may also be some patients (such as gastrointestinal disorders) who cannot
maintain adequate vitamin D levels, so they may need to provide more aggressive
replacement or maintenance programs under the guidance of specialist
It has been suggested in the past that a single
large dose of vitamin D (300,000 IU or more) might lead to sustained correction
of vitamin D deficiency and avoid reliance on continued regular small-dose
supplementation. This recommendation was originally made in the management of
rickets and rickets and has also been considered an option in the management of
vitamin D deficiency in the elderly, however, more recent recommendations
suggest that intermittent high-dose vitamin D administration is ineffective and
may actually increase fracture risk.
In the absence of further studies, this single
loading dose approach is not recommended; instead, we recommend a divided
loading dose followed by a maintenance phase.
(1) When vitamin D deficiency needs to be
corrected quickly, such as patients with disease symptoms, or ready to start
high-efficiency anti-absorption drug therapy (Zoledronate or Denosumab), the
recommended treatment plan is on the basis of a fixed loading dose, followed by
regular maintenance therapy;
(2) When correction of vitamin D deficiency is
not urgent, or when vitamin D supplementation is accompanied by oral
antiresorptive drugs, a maintenance regimen may be possible without loading
6. Calcium Supplementation
When the calcium supplement dose is 400-800 mg/day,
its sustainability and effect are poor. A recent meta-analysis suggested that
combined calcium and vitamin D supplementation could reduce mortality, whereas
vitamin D supplementation alone did not.
(1) In order to protect bone health, it is
necessary to advocate adequate intake of dietary calcium, and encourage
patients and doctors to use "calcium calculator" (such as;
(2) If it is found that patients with
osteoporosis cannot reliably or regularly consume calcium (at least 700
mg/day), calcium supplementation, or a combination of calcium supplementation
and vitamin D is recommended.
7. Example scheme
Regarding the treatment of vitamin D deficiency,
different organizations recommend different treatment options. For example, the
Endocrine Society of North America recommends that adult patients with vitamin
D deficiency be given 50,000 IU of vitamin D3 or D2 once a week for 8 weeks
(6,000 IU/day), so that their 25OHD reaches a level above 30 ng/ml, and then
maintenance therapy of 1,500 to 22,000 IU/day is carried out.
The Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral
Society, the Australian Endocrine Society, and the Australian Osteoporosis
Society jointly recommend vitamin D 3000-5000 IU/day (75-125 μg) for at least
6-12 weeks in the treatment of moderate to severe vitamin D deficiency. 25OHD
concentration should be detected after about 3 months of treatment, and then
continued treatment with a lower dose of 1000-2000 IU/day. Choose vitamin D
capsules or liquid formulations, while ensuring adequate calcium intake.
When rapid correction of vitamin D deficiency
is required, such as when the patient is symptomatic or is about to start
treatment with a high-potency antiresorptive drug (Zoledronate or Denosumab),
the recommended regimen is a fixed loading dose followed by regular maintenance
therapy. The following example protocol is recommended according to the British
Osteoporosis Society:
(1) The therapeutic loading for vitamin D
deficiency can be up to 300,000 IU, given in weekly or daily splits. The
specific plan is based on the availability of local vitamin D preparations. An
example plan is as follows:
A 50,000 IU capsule once a week for 6 weeks (300,000
B 20,000 IU capsules 2 times a week for 7 weeks
(280,000 IU).
C 800 IU capsules 5 times daily for 10 weeks
(280,000 IU).
(2) The maintenance regimen can be given 1
month after the loading dose is supplemented. The maintenance dose is 800 to 2000
IU per day (occasionally up to 4000 IU per day); higher doses may be given
daily or at intervals, but the total maintenance dose is the same.
It should be understood that vitamin D is taken
with food to aid absorption; vitamin D in loading regimens should not be
derived from calcium/vitamin D combinations, which can lead to overdosage of
The following methods of administration have
proven ineffective, or are ineffective and have an increased risk of toxicity,
and are therefore not recommended: Annual reserve dosing of vitamin D by
intramuscular or oral administration; use of active vitamin D preparations
(calcitriol and alfacalcidol).
Monitoring Purpose
Clinicians should be aware that vitamin D
treatment can reveal undiagnosed primary hyperparathyroidism. While the above
dosing regimens are unlikely to result in toxicity, it should be recognized
that certain populations may be at increased risk for toxicity or adverse
reactions and should be monitored for this. It is often monitored by measuring
corrected serum calcium levels.
Corrected total blood calcium (mg/dL) =
measured total blood calcium (mg/dL) + 0.8 x [4.0 - serum albumin concentration
Genetic abnormalities in vitamin D metabolism,
or comorbidities such as chronic kidney disease, granulomatosis, or
hyperparathyroidism, can predispose patients to increased susceptibility to
vitamin D therapy. This phenomenon can be seen as the number of treated cases
increases, such patients need to be identified, and subsequent dose reductions
may be required. Surveillance is part of the recommended regimen and the need
for repeat testing may vary by regimen.
Evidence is scant regarding when to monitor response
to treatment, but the goals of monitoring include: detection of vitamin D
deficiency in patients who persist after loading doses; detection of vitamin D
deficiency in patients during maintenance therapy; detection of subclinical
primary hyperparathyroidism in patients on vitamin D therapy.
1. Assessment of improvement in 25OHD status in
alternative therapy
The dose-response of vitamin D supplementation
varies widely across studies. Related confounding factors such as summer UV
exposure were an important reason for the inconsistent results. When limited to
vitamin D supplementation for winter 25OHD.
Question and Answer
What are the symptoms of low vitamin D deficiency?
Following are the common symptoms of low level of Vitamin D
get sick or infected
and tiredness
back or back pain
or low mood
wound healing
hair loss
What happens if you are severely deficient in vitamin D?
Vitamin D deficiency can lead to decreased bone
density, which can lead to osteoporosis and fractures (fractures). Severe
vitamin D deficiency may also lead to other diseases. In children, it can cause
rickets. Rickets is a rare disease that causes bones to soften and bend.
What happens if you are severely deficient in vitamin D?
Vitamin D deficiency can lead to decreased bone
density, which can lead to osteoporosis and fractures (fractures). Severe
vitamin D deficiency may also lead to other diseases. In children, it can cause
rickets. Rickets is a rare disease that causes bones to soften and bend.
Is Low Vitamin D a Cause for Concern?
Vitamin D is essential for strong bones and Vitamin
D absorption required necessary sufficient quantity of calcium to be exist in
the body. Vitamin D deficiency has traditionally been associated with rickets,
a disorder in which bone tissue does not mineralize properly, resulting in soft
and deformed bones.
What Cancers Can Low Vitamin D Cause?
Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to various
cancers, including prostate cancer, multiple myeloma, colorectal cancer, and
breast cancer.
Is low vitamin D an emergency?
When rickets is very severe, it can cause low
calcium levels in the blood. This can cause muscle spasms, spasms, and
difficulty breathing. These require emergency treatment in a hospital. Rarely,
very low vitamin D levels can lead to weakening of the heart muscle
Could you be hospitalized for low vitamin D?
With severe vitamin D deficiency, the odds of
hospitalization were 4.57 (95% CI 1.83, 11.4) (P = 0.001).
What causes vitamin D to drop?
Certain chronic diseases like Cystic fibrosis,
Crohn's disease, and celiac disease, for example, reduce the gut's ability to
absorb enough vitamin D into the bloodstream, resulting in low circulating
levels of vitamin D, which means less vitamin D is available to different parts
of your body.
What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?
Bones become soft, leading to skeletal
deformities, short stature, dental problems, weak bones, and pain when walking.
Researchers are studying whether other symptoms or conditions, such as
depression, bone pain and weakness, can be caused by low vitamin D levels.
Does Vitamin D Affect Sleep?
Research shows that vitamin D has a vital role
in sleep regulation. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with sleep difficulties
and make shortened the sleep duration.
How long does it take to recover from vitamin D deficiency?
How much vitamin D do I need daily? Besides
getting outside in the sun, there are two ways to boost your vitamin D levels:
eating vitamin D-rich foods and supplements. "Adding an over-the-counter
vitamin D supplement can make improvements in as little as three to four
Can Low Vitamin D Cause Neurological Symptoms?
As summarized in Figure 1, vitamin D deficiency
is mechanistically and clinically associated with neurologic and
neuropsychological disorders, cognitive impairment, and neurodegenerative
Which fruit is rich in vitamin D?
Oranges are one of the vitamin D-rich fruits
because their juice is fortified with calcium and vitamin D. This is one of the
best sources of vitamin D for people who are lactose intolerant and cannot
include milk and dairy products in their diet.
What does low vitamin D mean for women?
Vitamin D deficiency occurs when the body does
not get enough vitamin D from sunlight or diet. Vitamin D deficiency can lead
to loss of bone density, osteoporosis and fractures. Vitamin D is sometimes
called the sunshine vitamin because your body makes vitamin D from cholesterol
when your skin is exposed to sunlight.
Can Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Weight Gain?
Research on Vitamin D deficiency has shown that
it is cause to weight gain and also may cause other health related complications,
which needs to be treated wisely and attentively. You can maintain adequate
vitamin D levels through limited sun exposure, a diet rich in vitamin D, and
taking vitamin D supplements.
What snacks are high in vitamin D?
Get the recipe for Rainbow Trout with Apple
Pearls and Riesling Butter Sauce. mushroom. Mushrooms are a delicious source of
vitamin D and also provide several B vitamins and potassium. ... egg yolks ...
canned tuna. sardines ... Swiss cheese ... Supplement 101: Vitamin D.
Which drink is high in vitamin D?
Orange juice tops the list of vitamin D-rich
beverages, along with a host of other nutrients. It is recommended not to buy
orange juice from the market, but to make it at home.
Are Bananas High in Vitamin D?
No, there is no vitamin D here. But bananas do
contain a lot of magnesium. guess what? One of the many reasons you need
magnesium is to make your vitamin D work once it enters your bloodstream,
making it a must for you to reap the many benefits of vitamin D.
Does Vitamin D Deficiency Make You Feel Weird?
Vitamin D can also affect your mood. You may
experience symptoms of depression due to low energy levels. Studies also show
that vitamin D supplementation can also help you fight symptoms of depression.
How can I increase my vitamin D fast OR How long does it take to get your vitamin D levels up?
Vitamin D3 supplements are thought to raise
blood levels of vitamin D for about 24 hours. However, it takes up to seven
days for this to be converted into the active form of vitamin D -- which is
what the blood test will find.
What blocks vitamin D absorption?
Therefore, diseases that affect the gut and
digestion, such as celiac disease, chronic pancreatitis, Crohn's disease, and
cystic fibrosis, can reduce vitamin D absorption.
Does vitamin D give you energy?
New research from Newcastle University has
shown that vitamin D is essential for making our muscles work efficiently and
boosting energy levels.
Can Low Vitamin D Cause Leukemia?
People who live at higher latitudes have twice
the incidence of leukemia, have lower sun exposure, and are more likely to be
vitamin D deficient, according to findings from a study recently published in
Which autoimmune diseases can cause low vitamin D levels?
Low vitamin D levels have been linked to
autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto's disease, hypothyroidism multiple
sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis,
and even Parkinson's disease.
How long does it take to see a change in vitamin D levels?
Once a new vitamin D supplement dose has been
determined and incorporated into the routine, it is recommended to wait at
least 2-3 months before testing in order to accurately reflect the resulting
25(OH) vitamin D serum levels.
How Do Vitamin D Levels Change Rapidly?
One study showed that after taking large doses of vitamin D3, it took about seven days to convert and cause 25(OH)D levels to peak.
Vitamin D deficiency is very common, and many people are unaware of its importance.
Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are often nonspecific, which means it is difficult to know whether the symptoms are caused by low vitamin D or another factor.
If you think you may be deficient, be sure to check with your doctor and have your blood vitamin D levels measured. Vitamin D deficiency can be easily fix and increase the level.
You can increase your sun exposure and eat foods rich in vitamin D, such as fish or dairy products. Various vitamin D supplements are also available in the market.
Fixing a vitamin D deficiency is easy and has great health benefits.
If you have any doubt, please let me know