" " Heart Attack Women Vs Men



Heart Attack Women Vs Men

A woman's heart looks the same as a man's, but it's very different. A woman's heart is usually smaller. Women's hearts beat faster than men's, but pump about 10 percent less blood with each squeeze.

Being Human we always think that common diseases are common for men and women. But fact is not the same, Heart Attack Women Vs Men are different. Heart attack causes and symptoms in women is also different from men.

heart attack women vs men

The underlying causes of a heart attack in women often differ from men, such as the type of plaque.

Heart disease: A woman's heart looks the same as a man's, but it's very different. For example, a woman's heart is usually smaller, as are some of its inner chambers

The walls separating these rooms are thinner.

Women's hearts beat faster than men's, but pump about 10 percent less blood with each squeeze.

When a woman is stressed, her pulse speeds up and her heart pumps more blood.

When a person is stressed, the arteries in his heart constrict, raising his blood pressure.

Women tend to be undertreated and less likely to undergo cardiac rehabilitation after a heart attack than men and why we call it Heart Attack Women Vs Men.

Risk factors such as high blood pressure and diabetes were more severe and increased a woman's risk of heart attack.

The underlying causes, symptoms and outcomes of a heart attack in women may differ from those in men, according to a scientific study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

This is the first scientific statement from the American Heart Association on heart attacks in women. It noted that the number of cardiovascular deaths among women has dropped significantly based on improvements in heart disease treatment and prevention, as well as increased public awareness.

Writing group chair Laxmi Mehta, MD, noninvasive cardiologist and director of the Women's Cardiovascular Health Program at Ohio State University, said: "Despite a dramatic decline in cardiovascular disease mortality over the past decade, women are still more Men are worse. Female patients remain underdiagnosed and undertreated, especially African-American women."

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Reason of Heart Attack

A heart attack caused by a blockage of a major artery leading to the heart can happen to both men and women. However, the way the blockage forms the clot may be different.

blocked arteries

Compared with men, women have less blockages and do not need stents, but the heart's coronary vessels are damaged, resulting in reduced blood flow to the heart muscle. So, the result is the same: When blood flow to the heart is reduced for any reason, a heart attack can occur.

If doctors don't properly diagnose the underlying cause of a woman's heart attack, they risk failing to provide the right treatment options. Regardless of the cause of the heart attack or the severity of the blockage, the regimen for drug treatment is similar. However, despite the proven effectiveness of these drugs, women remain undertreated compared to men.

How to Treat

Women are at greater risk of complications when trying to restore blood flow because they typically have thinner blood vessels, are older, and have higher rates of risk factors for diabetes and high blood pressure. Recommended drug treatment guidelines have been underutilized in women, resulting in poor treatment outcomes. In addition, women were offered cardiac rehabilitation less frequently, and when treated, women were less likely to participate in or complete treatment.


While the most common heart attack symptom is chest pain or discomfort, women are more likely to experience atypical symptoms such as: 

    shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, back pain, or jaw pain.

Risk Factors

Risk factors for heart attack also differ in magnitude between men and women. For example: High blood pressure is more strongly associated with heart attacks in women. If a young woman has diabetes, her risk of heart disease is four to five times higher than that of a young man.

Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial Fibrillation (afib) is a condition that causes the heart to beat with an irregular, often rapid rhythm.

Recent studies have found that women with atrial fibrillation have more symptoms, poorer quality of life, higher likelihood of stroke and worse outcomes than men.

They were also more likely to have AF treated with catheter ablation, but more likely than men to be readmitted for AF after surgery.

Despite these concerns, women treated for A-fib were more likely than men with A-fib to live longer and be less likely to die from heart problems.

Why do these differences matter?

They are important because gender plays a role in the symptoms, treatment and outcome of some common heart diseases.

Heart Disease: Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

CAD is the leading cause of heart attacks and is the same process in men and women.

Excess fat circulating in the blood deposits on the walls of the arteries of the heart, forming deposits called plaque.

As these plaques grow slowly, they harden and gradually narrow the arteries, interfering with blood flow.

Despite this process, women have CAD risk factors that men do not.

They also tend to have different heart attack symptoms.

CAD can be more difficult to diagnose using traditional testing methods when symptoms are present.

Women don't always do as well as men after a heart attack.

Sometimes, this is because women don't always get the best treatment.

Other times, it's because they don't know they're in danger until it's too late.

Here are six ways CAD differs in men and women:

Women have risk factors that men do not. Certain disorders found only in women increase the risk of CAD. These include endometriosis, polycystic ovary disease (PCOS), gestational diabetes, and high blood pressure that develops during pregnancy. Endometriosis has been found to increase the risk of CAD by 40% in women under the age of 400. Women also share traditional risk factors with men, such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, high cholesterol levels, smoking and obesity. Like men, women can be affected by a family history of heart disease, especially if a father or brother was diagnosed with CAD before age 55 or a mother or sister was diagnosed before age 65.

Women are usually older when they have their first heart attack. Men are at risk of heart attack earlier than women. Estrogen provides women with some protection against heart disease until estrogen levels drop after menopause. That's why the average age of a heart attack is 70 for women and 66 for men.

Symptoms of a heart attack can vary in women. Chest pain (also described as a feeling of heavy weight, pressure, or tightness in the chest) is the most common symptom of a heart attack in men. Some women also experience chest pain, but they are more likely to have different symptoms. Unlike the dramatic chest pains in the movies, women often experience more subtle symptoms three to four weeks before a heart attack. Red flags include:

New or severe fatigue. You're not pushing, you're extremely tired and can't sleep, or you're feeling "heavy" in your chest. For example, simple activities like making your bed can make you feel unusually tired, or you can suddenly feel tired after a normal workout.

Shortness of breath or sweating. Be aware when either symptom occurs without exertion, is accompanied by symptoms such as chest pain or fatigue, worsens over time with exertion, or triggers a cold, clammy feeling that occurs for no apparent reason. Also, if your shortness of breath worsens when you lie down, it eases when you sit up.

In pain Neck, back, shoulders, arms, upper abdomen or jaw. Notice when there is no specific muscle or joint pain, or the discomfort worsens when you exert yourself and stops when you stop. Pain can be in either arm, and in men it is usually the left arm. Also, be aware of pain that starts in the chest and spreads to the back, that comes on suddenly and may wake you up at night, or the lower left side of the jaw.

CAD in women is sometimes difficult to diagnose. X-rays (angiograms) taken during cardiac catheterization are the gold standard test for finding narrowing or blockage of the heart's large arteries. But CAD in women often affects small arteries that are not clearly seen on angiograms. That's why any woman who gets a "completely clear" signal after an angiogram and continues to experience symptoms should see a cardiologist who specializes in women with heart disease.

Heart attacks are harder for women than men. After a heart attack, women tend to fare less well than men. They usually require longer hospital stays and are more likely to die before leaving the hospital. This may be because women who had a heart attack had more untreated risk factors, such as diabetes or high blood pressure. Sometimes, it's because they put their family first and don't take care of themselves.

Women don't always get the proper medication after a heart attack. After a heart attack, women are more likely to develop blood clots that can lead to another heart attack. For unknown reasons, they are unlikely to be given drugs to prevent such blood clots. This could explain why women are more likely than men to have a second heart attack within 12 months.

Another Common Heart Disease: Heart Failure

Heart failure in men is usually caused by damage from a heart attack that prevents the muscles from contracting as strongly as possible.

Women, on the other hand, were more likely to develop heart failure when high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, or other conditions prevented their heart muscle from relaxing properly between beats.

Women with this type of heart failure typically live longer than men with it.

However, they require frequent hospitalization for shortness of breath, have limited physical capabilities, and are more likely to require nursing home care.

Protect Yourself

Whether you're a man or a woman, it's never too late to lower your chances of having a heart attack.

Here's what you need to do:

Quit smoking or never start

Get Regular Exercise (walking for at least 30 minutes a day)

Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fish and less animal products, simple carbohydrates, and processed foods

Maintain normal weight, blood pressure, blood fat and blood sugar levels.

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