" " Morning Breakfast is Optional OR Compulsory



Morning Breakfast is Optional OR Compulsory

Morning Breakfast is Optional OR Compulsory

Morning Breakfast is Optional or Compulsory is most common question in daily life. What to eat in the morning to keep you full of energy, not hungry, and convenient for the whole day? Prepare breakfast, master 4 principles and eat 9 kinds of foods, which will make you feel more relaxed every day.

morning breakfast is optional or compulsory

    Selection of what type of food is good for Breakfast:-

    Eating the right food for breakfast can keep you full of energy throughout the day, otherwise it will make you drowsy. But modern people live a busy life, and the content of breakfast every day is very nerve-racking. Everyone wants to eat a nutritious and balanced breakfast every day, but not every day has time to fully prepare, how to eat a healthy breakfast efficiently?

    Efficient preparation of healthy breakfast master 4 principles

    healthy breakfast

    Harvard University nutrition special article recommends that Morning Breakfast is Compulsory and must follow the following 4 principles when preparing breakfast:

    Eat "low glycemic" carbohydrates. When choosing carbohydrates, try to choose whole-grain and multigrain foods, such as whole-grain toast, whole-grain cereal, and high-fiber cereal. When interpreting food labels, pay attention to more than 5 grams of fiber per serving, less than 300 mg of sodium per serving, and less than 5 grams of sugar per serving.

    Want of Know More then follow the links

    Those who skip breakfast have mild inflammation

    • But does "Morning breakfast" have to be eaten? Kang Shuyong, a nutritionist at Xinguang Hospital, said that there is no clear conclusion that "you must eat breakfast", but according to research by the American Heart Association, people who skip breakfast have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.

    In addition, the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" has also done a small study, found 17 participants, the implementation of different dietary patterns. The study divided the participants into a "Skip Breakfast or Morning Breakfast is Optional" group and a "skip dinner group", but the two groups ate the same calories and had the same nutritional composition.

    The blood test found that the "Skip Breakfast or Morning Breakfast is Optional" group had a higher degree of fat oxidation, indicating mild inflammation in the body, which would interfere with the balance of insulin and blood sugar, affect the normal operation of the body's metabolic function, and increase the risk of chronic diseases.

    The monks do not eat after noon, that is, the concept of 168 fasting

    Type of Breakfast or food selection for Morning Breakfast:-

    Kang Shuyong said that although eating breakfast is beneficial to the human body, there is no clear definition of "what is breakfast". Some people think it's a "five to ten in the morning" meal, while others think it's the "first meal after waking up."

    Xiao Dunren, chairman of the Obesity Research Society, said that in English, breakfast is called "breakfast", which means "break fast", so breakfast is the first meal after waking up.

    Nowadays, many people practice the "168 fasting method" in order to lose weight, that is, they can eat for 8 hours a day and fast for 16 hours, so they skip breakfast. Xiao Dunren believes that this kind of fasting method is not new in fact, since ancient times, there have been monks who "don't eat after noon".

    However, whether to Skip Breakfast or skip dinner depends on each person's schedule and workload. In the past, monks would get up at 4 or 5 o'clock and eat breakfast after class, and eat another meal after class at 12 o'clock, which is exactly eight hours. Modern people are busy with work and need to socialize until late, so they often choose to skip breakfast instead of dinner for convenience.

    Empty stomach, hyperacidity can lead to gastritis

    However, Xiao Dunren said that the metabolism slows down during sleep and only needs to maintain the basal metabolic rate, so it is possible to fast for a long time. However, after waking up, the muscles start to tighten from the relaxed state of sleep, the mind starts to work, and some people even start to work with a lot of labor in the morning. If you don't eat breakfast, the body has no energy.

    Xiao Dunren said that usually ten minutes after waking up, the originally stored glycogen will be used up, and the kidneys secrete adrenaline to wake up the adipose tissue and decompose it into glycerol and fatty acids for the human body to use. However, during this process, there will be tremors, sweating, and hypoglycemia may also occur. And if the stomach is in a situation where there is no food to digest for a long time, it may also cause excessive gastric acid secretion, which may easily lead to gastritis and gastric ulcer.

    Is Breakfast not Necessarily in the Morning?:-

    It is very important to "eat well" for the first meal when you wake up

    Some people go to bed late or work night shifts. When he wakes up, it is noon or afternoon for others, so the "breakfast" time is different from everyone else's. Xiao Dunren believes that the first meal after breaking the fast is very important. Important, but not necessarily in the "morning".

    I used to say "eat breakfast well, lunch full, and dinner less". Kang Shuyong said that no matter what time you eat, you should "eat well". 

    Kang Shuyong said that the nature of food is more important than the timing of ingestion. Choose food that is beneficial to the body and take into account balanced nutrients, rather than insisting on waking up at 6 am to "eat breakfast" and eating all over the place.

    She suggested that you can choose a carbohydrate, add a high-quality protein such as eggs, beans, fish, and meat, and finally a cup of dairy, so that you can eat full and healthy.

    The Importance of Breakfast Top 5 Dangers of Not Eating Breakfast!!:-

    Morning Breakfast is extremely important to human health. A nutritious breakfast can make people energetic and improve the efficiency of study and work. People who get up late often skip breakfast, or they don’t eat breakfast because they love beauty and are afraid of gaining weight, and some people do so to save money on breakfast. Nutritional studies have proven that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

    Breakfast is the most important meal.

    After a night of sleep, if there is no food to neutralize the gastric acid secreted in the stomach at night, it will stimulate the gastric mucosa and cause stomach discomfort, which can cause inflammation and ulcer disease in the long run; if the fasting time is too long, it will cause the secretion of digestive juice to decrease , causing gastrointestinal disease.

    Without breakfast (light or medium) in the morning, you cannot make up for the water and nutrients lost at night. As a result, the blood viscosity increases, and it is not conducive to the discharge of waste generated overnight. Thereby increasing the risk of stones and stroke, myocardial infarction.

    Because of Skipping Breakfast, the balanced diet required by the human body cannot be met, and the energy needed in the morning can only be supplemented by the consumption of glycogen and protein in the body. Over time, it can cause metabolic disorders, leading to dry skin, wrinkling, and anemia. It will accelerate the aging of the human body; people who do not eat breakfast will feel very hungry when they are waiting for lunch, so they must eat more.

    Five dangers of skipping breakfast:-

    Unresponsive. Breakfast is the source of energy for brain activity. Without breakfast or Skipping Breakfast, the body cannot supply enough blood sugar for consumption. You will feel tired, fatigued, unable to concentrate, lethargic, and unresponsive.
    Prone to Chronic Disease. In order to gain power, the body will use glands such as the thyroid, parathyroid, and pituitary to burn tissues. In addition to causing hyperthyroidism, it will also make the body sour and suffer from chronic diseases.
    Upset Stomach.  If the stomach is in a state of starvation for a long time, it will cause excessive secretion of gastric acid, which can easily lead to gastritis and gastric ulcer.
    Produce Constipation When three meals are regularly scheduled, the human body will naturally produce the phenomenon of gastrocolic reflex, which is simply to promote defecation; if it is a habit to not eat breakfast, it will cause the disorder of gastrocolic reflex for a long time, resulting in constipation.
    Closer to Obesity

    Once the human body realizes the lack of nutrients, it will consume carbohydrates and protein first, and then fat will be consumed last. So don't think Skipping Breakfast will help fat loss. Conversely, skipping breakfast will make you eat more lunch and dinner, and you will gain weight instead of losing weight. Don't think that you can lose weight by absorbing less calories by skipping breakfast. According to the confirmation of nutritionists, breakfast is the most difficult meal for everyone to convert into fat in a day. If you skip breakfast every day, you will only eat more lunch. For example: Japanese sumo wrestlers eat lunch and dinner without breakfast.

    Fundamental OR Conclusion:-

    Therefore, breakfast is very important or Morning Breakfast is Compulsory. The ratio of breakfast, lunch and dinner is preferably 3:2:1, so that the essence you eat during the day can be consumed during the most vigorous time.

    Type of Special Breakfast

    Watch Video from Hands Touch "Easy Oats Breakfast Recipe" with 1.45M subscribers

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    1. It is execellent way that you define importance of breakfast in more details and what is complication to avoid breakfast on regualar basis. Avoiding breakfast on on/off may result less or feel less the complications but avoiding breakfast on regular basis has more negative impact on the health.


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