" " What is Normal Body Temperature



What is Normal Body Temperature



human body temperature

  • 100% of human being at least once in life has experienced through fever
  • 90% of Third Countries and 80% of developed countries population considered fever as normal body activity.
  • Body between 100-101 is not considered fever and human being continue routine activity.
  • Sense of illness of fever is more in women as compared to men.
  • After Covid-19 pendemics, sensitivity about fever has been raised and men and women became more conscious.

What is Human Body Temperature?

The temperature inside the human is called body temperature. Maintaining a constant body temperature is a necessary condition to ensure the normal progress of metabolism and life activities. Body Temperature is the product of material metabolism into heat energy.

The temperature of normal people is relatively constant, and it maintains a dynamic balance of heat production and heat dissipation through the thermoregulation center of the brain and hypothalamus, regulating and neurohumoral functions. Under normal physiological conditions, when body temperature rises, the body maintains it relatively constant by reducing heat production and increasing heat dissipation; conversely, when it drops, heat production increases and heat dissipation decreases, maintaining body temperature at a normal level.

What is Deep Body Temperature?

Normal body temperature is not a specific temperature point, but a temperature range. The in the deep part of the body is relatively constant and uniform, which is called the Deep Body Temperature; while the temperature on the body surface is affected by many factors, and has large changes and differences, which is called the surface temperature. Clinically referred to body temperature refers to the average deep temperature. It is generally represented by the body temperature of the mouth, rectum and armpits, among which the rectal body temperature is closest to the Deep Body Temperature. Normal values: Oral sublingual temperature is 36.3-37.2°C, rectal temperature is 36.5-37.7°C higher than oral temperature (0.2-0.5°C), and axillary temperature is 36.0°C-37.0°C. The standard of body temperature is based on the value of most people, not the absolute value of an individual.

Reality of Body Temperature

The average body temperature of the human is between 36 and 37°C (armpit), above 37.3°C is fever, between 37.3°C and 38°C is low-grade fever, and between 38.1°C and 40°C is high fever. Life is in danger at any time above 40°C.

The standard of normal temperature is based on the value of most people, not the absolute value of an individual.

There are differences in body temperature in the morning and evening every day, in various parts, and between men and women. The normal temperature of the body has a relatively stable range, but it is not constant. Oral temperature (also known as oral temperature) of normal people is 36.3°C to 37.2°C, armpit temperature is 0.2°C to 0.5°C lower than oral temperature, and rectal temperature (also called rectal temperature) is 0.2°C to 0.6°C higher than oral temperature. During the day, the body temperature is the lowest at 2-5 in the morning and the highest at 5-7 in the afternoon, but the temperature difference within a day should be less than 0.8°C. In addition, the body temperature of women is generally about 0.35 higher than that of men. Women's body temperature also changes slightly during menstruation.

In a healthy state, if the diet is normal and the clothes are appropriate, the body temperature of the human is generally relatively constant, that is, it is kept at around 37°C (approximately between 36.2°C and 37.2°C), and does not change due to changes in the external environment temperature.

The average body temperature of the human is between 36 and 37°C (armpit), above 37.3°C is fever, between 37.3°C and 38°C is low-grade fever, and between 38.1°C and 40°C is high fever. Life is in danger at any time above 40°C.

Where Body Temperature can be measures?

body temperature measure

Generally, there are three commonly used places to measure body temperature, namely the mouth, armpit and anus:

For children it is between 36.5°C and 37.5°C at the anus;

The temperature in the mouth of children is between 36.2°C and 37.3°C;

In children, the temperature in the armpit is between 35.9°C and 37.2°C.

After passing the measurement, children who exceed the normal range by more than 0.5°C are called fever. Those above 38°C are called low fever, and those above 39°C are called high fever.

What are the Influencing factors of Body Temperature?

Body temperature is not fixed and can fluctuate with factors such as gender, age, day and night, exercise and emotional changes, but this change is often within the normal range.

Gender factor

Generally, women are slightly higher than men. Women have a slight increase in the premenstrual period and early pregnancy, and the ovulation period is lower. This fluctuation is mainly related to the progesterone secretion cycle. Women's body fat is higher than that of men. This should also be a reason.

Age factor

The body temperature of newborns is easily affected by the external temperature. Because the development of the central nervous system of newborns is not yet perfect, and the development of sweat glands in the skin is not complete, so the body temperature regulation function is poor and easy to fluctuate. Children have a high metabolic rate and their body temperature may be slightly higher than that of adults. Due to the low metabolic rate of the elderly, the body temperature is low.

Circadian factors

Generally, the body temperature is the lowest at 2-5 in the morning, and the highest at 5-7 in the afternoon, with a variation range of about 0.5-1°C. This regular fluctuation of day and night is formed by the corresponding periodic changes in people's long-term lifestyles such as activities, metabolism, and blood circulation. However, if you have been engaged in night work for a long time, the periodic fluctuations will cause your body temperature to rise at night and drop during the day.

Mood and Movement

The sympathetic nerves are excited when emotional, and the skeletal muscles contract during exercise, which can slightly increase the body temperature.

In addition, changes in the outside temperature, eating, etc. can cause body temperature fluctuations.

How to Measure Body Temperature?

The thermometer method of measuring the body temperature of the human body is to measure the body temperature at about 8:00 in the morning, at about 3:00 in the afternoon, and at about 8:00 in the evening.

When measuring body temperature, the mercury column of the thermometer should be shaken below 35°C, and then wipe and disinfect with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Most of them take the thermometer under the armpit to test the temperature. For young or comatose children, the anus can be used to measure the temperature.

How to treat Fever OR Body Temperature?

 1.     Conceptual Treatment

Ice pillows can be given and replaced every two hours. If there is chills, remove the ice pillows and keep warm properly.

Take a warm water bath. (The suitable water temperature is 41~43)

Keep the air flowing.

Reduce clothing and bedding.

Increase water intake.

Increase comfort and rest.

Increase nutritional intake.

37.5-38.0 degrees: drink plenty of water, rest more, use ice

2.    Medical Treatment

The interval between fever-reducing drugs should be at least 4 hours.

Most common medicine is Paracetamol 250mg and 500mg

38.0-38.5 degrees: Oral antipyretic drugs + drink plenty of water, rest more, use ice pillows.

38.5-39.0 degrees: antipyretics or anal suppositories + drink plenty of water, rest more, use ice pillows.

39.0-39.5 degrees: Alongwith above method combined with warm water (temperature lower than body temperature) swab bath.

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3.     When should I contact the emergency department?

         1. Persistent high fever after general antipyretic treatment.

         2. Continuous high fever for more than 3 days.

         3. Convulsions, hanging eyes, unconsciousness, etc.

         4. People with abdominal distension, poor appetite or poor activity.

         5. Those with skin rash or peeling.

 6. The child has the following conditions: severe crying even when the fever subsides, poor activity or appetite, obvious decrease in urine output, difficulty in swallowing, etc.

What is effect of Body Temperature, if it is lower?

Body temperature lower than 36 , be careful of decreased immunity, which will damage your health.

Is it normal if Body Temperature remain low?

Most people seldom pay attention to their body temperature, unless they have a fever and are sick, they will take their body temperature. In fact, body temperature is also one of the important indicators for observing health. If your body temperature is often below 36°C, you should be more vigilant, because your "immunity" has been quietly on strike! It is gradually declining and, if left untreated, can become the cause of many diseases.

The average temperature of human is 36.5°C~37.2°C (armpit body temperature). 36.5°C can be said to be a watershed. Below this temperature, the body will experience discomfort. According to research by Japanese experts, in the past 50 years, human temperature has been "lowering" and generally dropped below 36.5°C, resulting in more and more frequent people with immune function problems. Researchers believe that the main reason is related to the living habits of modern people. Human beings will instinctively switch to parasympathetic nerve activation in a hot environment, which can promote body heat dissipation and prevent body temperature from rising. However, modern people violate the laws of nature. They blow air-conditioning day and night in summer, eat ice and drink cold drinks all year round, and like to dress coolly, eat more and move less, and are stressed. These reasons cause the common "hypothermia" of modern people. ".

Human body temperature of 37°C is history: What does it means?

Recently, because of the epidemic, people who are worried about their contact history or who are in protective isolation have to measure their body temperature three times a day. Many people will find that the results of each measurement are around 36.3-36.7 , and it is slightly higher at night.

I remember in my biology class when I was a child that the normal temperature of a person is about 37°C, but why is the body temperature of everyone around me lower than 37°C?

Just a month ago, on January 7, Stanford University School of Medicine professor Julie Parsonnet (Julie Parsonnet) and her team just released the results of a study that found that since the 19th century, the average body temperature of adults It has continued to decline, with a drop of 0.4°C in less than 200 years, from 37°C to 36.6°C.

37°C has become history, and a drop in body temperature is not a good thing!

In 1851, a German physician named Carl Wunderlich collected the underarm body temperature data of 25,000 patients and determined for the first time that the normal range of body temperature is 37 , which has continued to this day.

However, in recent years, many scientists believe that human temperature is declining, and 37°C has become history.

Do you know Bats have Strongest Immune System?

Virology decryption: Why can bats seal hundreds of viruses in their bodies? The root cause is simple: bats have a strong immune system, largely because their body temperature can maintain a high 40°C. Studies have shown that every time the body temperature drops by 1°C, the immunity will drop by more than 30; every time the body temperature rises by 1°C, the immunity will increase by 5 to 6 times. If you look at it this way, the immunity of bats is probably hundreds of times higher than that of humans — No wonder bats are invulnerable to all kinds of poisons, and they don't get cancer...

Why does the body temperature drop, and the immunity will also decrease?

As we all know, body temperature is linked to basal metabolic rate. For every 1°C increase in body temperature, basal metabolism will increase by 13%. Hypothermia may mean poor metabolism.

On the contrary, the basal metabolic rate is low, the body temperature drops, the blood flow rate slows down, and the work efficiency of white blood cells also decreases. It is difficult for white blood cells to find foreign matter in the first place. Even if foreign matter is found, it is difficult to quickly call other white blood cells to eliminate foreign matter, which makes the body susceptible to viruses and bacteria, causing diseases.

Do you know White Blood Cells causes Cancer?

In addition, white blood cells can not only resist the attack of external viruses and bacteria, but also monitor cancer cells in the body and kill cancerous cells in time.

In fact, even a healthy person produces about 5,000 cancer cells in the body every day. If one of them escapes the surveillance of the immune system and survives, it will soon turn 1 into 2, 2 into 4, 4 into 8... and eventually evolve into a tumor.

According to calculations by scientists, if the body temperature drops by 1°C and the immunity is reduced by 30%, the immune system may miss nearly 1,500 cancer cells every day, allowing them to multiply crazily.

Why does the body temperature of humans of this era drop?

1. The main reason - Lack of Exercise

 Scientists researc on Human have analyzed that body temperature has dropped by 0.4°C in 170 years, and the decline in the past 20 years has been particularly large. The main reason is lack of exercise. Not far from us 50 years ago, people did a lot of exercise every day:

People in rural areas want to grow crops or herd cattle. Even urban people wash their clothes by hand, cook by themselves, and clean their houses every day;

However, with the development of science and technology, people seem to be becoming more and more "lazy" - take out food for meals, take a taxi when going out, have a washing machine for washing clothes, a dishwasher for washing dishes, and a robot for sweeping the floor. Gone are the campus scenes where boys play basketball and girls kick shuttlecock.

Do you know Basal Metabilism?

Basal metabolism has nothing to do with any external activities, it is a natural consumption when a person is not doing anything, and muscles are the largest heat-generating organs in the body. Less muscle means lower body temperature and lower basal metabolism. A person with high muscle mass is still expending energy even when doing nothing. The reduction in the amount of exercise in modern people has led to generally low muscle content.

As the basal metabolism decreases, energy consumption decreases and visceral fat increases. Visceral adipose tissue will secrete more than 20 kinds of bad hormones (or fat cell factors), which will cause vasculitis and weaken the function of insulin, leading to a series of diseases such as cancer, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

2. Ubiquitous air conditioners make the thermoregulatory center less sensitive

Experts believe that in addition to the decline in muscle mass, the difficulty in sweating caused by air conditioning is also a major reason for the drop in body temperature in modern times. People work and live in air-conditioned rooms for a long time, and the thermoregulatory center of the hypothalamus of the brain loses the opportunity to receive stimulation. Over time, the thermoregulatory center will no longer be sensitive to the external temperature, resulting in lower body temperature.

3. Modern life is stressful, and excessive secretion of cortisol leads to muscle breakdown

In addition, life stresses such as increasingly complex relationships, financial problems and family problems have also been linked to lower body temperature. In a state of stress, and the body will secrete a hormone called "cortisol" to maintain normal physiological functions.

However, cortisol is a catabolic hormone that not only breaks down muscle, but also promotes fat storage, preferentially storing fat in the internal organs. The stress of life leads to long-term excessive secretion of cortisol, which breaks down muscle while storing fat. As the basal metabolic rate drops again, the body temperature also drops.

What should important we needs to do?

What we can do is to properly increase body temperature from small details bit by bit by adjusting our daily diet, strengthening physical exercise, not abusing air conditioning, relaxing our mind and relieving stress.

How Body Temperature can be Increase through diet?

Add pepper or paprika. Add pepper or paprika to your daily diet. If you are a "heavy taste" person, you must be very kind to chili powder. This heat-producing seasoning can quickly increase the temperature. It contains a chemical substance called capsaicin, which not only makes your sense of taste produce Reaction, which works better in your digestive system, is a substance that can heat you up dramatically.

Eating Peanuts. Peanuts have long been known for boosting metabolism, making them the perfect snack for those trying to lose weight. Peanuts are rich in carbohydrates, which can be used as fuel for the body. When the carbohydrates in the body increase, the body will naturally feel hotter.

Eat more Brown Rice. Brown rice can be eaten as a great main meal and is also effective at increasing body temperature. Brown rice contains a lot of healthy carbohydrates, which can make you feel full while burning excess calories, resulting in a warming feeling.

Eat Ginger Raw. You can add ginger to your meals or eat it raw, and it will have an immediate effect when you munch on it—you'll feel the heat in your body quickly. Ginger contains a substance called gingerol, which can constrict blood vessels, thereby generating heat.

Drink hot beverages or soups. Any warm liquid raises your body temperature. The heat in the hot drink will quickly pass through the body, keeping your body very warm for a period of time

Increase Body Temperature through exercise?

Do daily basic training. Exercising can effectively increase body temperature, but be careful, as the body will recool after sweating. Regular exercise increases your metabolic rate, which in turn heats up your body, so it's a good idea to do it every morning, as boosting your metabolism in the morning means you'll maintain a higher metabolic rate throughout the day, meaning even after you've finished exercising , your body will continue to be at a higher temperature.

Squat. The so-called squat is to spread your feet shoulder-width apart, put your hands on your waist, then bend your knees and squat slowly, as if you are going to sit down, and return to the starting position after a pause of two seconds in the air . Do 3 sets at a time, 20 reps in each set.

Get as much physical activity as possible. Take every opportunity to move your body, even when you are busy. For example, increase the frequency of housework, such as sweeping or mopping the floor.

What are methods to keep the body warm?

Dress appropriately. There are many types of clothing that can keep you warm. If you feel that you may be cold outside, wear an extra layer or bring one with you just in case.

Stay with friends and family. The transfer of heat between different bodies raises the temperature of the room. Humans are warm-blooded animals. In other words, body naturally releases heat. This explains why a room with more people is warmer than a room with fewer people. Spending more time with other people shows that you transfer heat and energy from each person, warming each other up.

Keep your body dry. After taking a shower or just after the rain, you must dry your body in time to maintain your body temperature. The lower temperature water will quickly absorb your heat and lower your body temperature.

If you get wet, change into dry clothes as soon as possible. If you keep covered in wet clothes, your body temperature will drop dramatically.

Warm up your body while blow drying your hair. After the temperature of the head increases, the temperature of other parts of the body will also increase.

How to make body warm up by naturally?

Build muscle. Muscle burns a considerable amount of calories, even when you're resting, so adding muscle means increasing your calorie needs. Keeping this in mind, building muscle builds heat.

Do not deliberately stop the body from shaking and shaking. These instinctive movements are the body's automatic way of regulating temperature. When you shiver and shake, your muscles engage in raising your body temperature.

Gain weight. This method is not suitable for everyone, especially if you are already overweight. But then again, putting on a little weight does keep you warm, and that extra fat acts as an insulator, keeping your body at a relatively high temperature. The best way to gain weight is to eat more calories, you need a calorie calculator to figure out how many calories you need to eat to gain weight.

What are common benefits of increasing body temperature?

Reduce the burden on the liver and kidneys. If the microcirculation system is improved, the waste produced by metabolism can be quickly eliminated from the body, thereby reducing the burden on the liver and kidneys.

Enhance immunity. For every 1 degree Celsius increase in body temperature, the natural healing rate of the human body will increase by about 6 times. If the body temperature rises by 2 degrees, the natural healing rate will increase by 36 times. Contributes to health by warming up and sweating.

Promote perspiration and excretion of subcutaneous fat, enhance the body's metabolic function, excrete fat from sebaceous glands, achieve health and beauty, and lose weight easily (pay attention to replenishing water).

Exhaust old waste from the body, mainly metabolic waste in the body. Heavy metals and carcinogens, raise the body temperature to excrete the accumulated carcinogenic "heavy metals" in the body, and completely remove the root cause of cancer.

Enhance vitality, activate metabolism, strengthen the full use of nutrients, and eliminate fatigue.

Improve the microcirculation system, the temperature of the deep subcutaneous layer rises slightly, the blood flow speeds up, and the capillaries dilate.

The skin that breathes makes the skin breathe more vigorously, blood circulation is smooth, and it is always healthy and beautiful, smooth and delicate.

Effectively improve sleep - help sleep, sleep until you wake up naturally.

In your day-to-day life, try to avoid activities that lower your body temperature, such as going outside on a cold winter night or where you risk getting your clothes wet.

Learn what causes your hypothermia. Hypothermia can have many different causes, and it's important to know if you have a medical condition that's causing your body temperature to be lower than normal.

When your body temperature continues to be too low and cannot be raised, you may wish to consult a doctor. There should be some problems in your metabolism that require special attention.

Alila Medical on youtube shows about inside of Human Body Temperature

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